Here is a list of activities that you can try if you are self quarantining or just trying to pass time with family. The Youth and Family Counseling Agency of Oyster Bay is wishing the best of health for all in the community.
If you try any of these activities let us know which one and how it went!
Plant an indoor garden - maybe you have some seeds from fruits lying around or you want to pass time, decorate a paper cup and plant a seed.
Start a new craft - maybe you'll try origami or draw out your next visit to Jones Beach, either way time is sure to fly.
Create a playlist of your favorite music - why not save them in a playlist to share with others?
Go through a photo album - whether you still have one or not doesn't matter! If you don't, you can clean up some space on your phone by deleting some or go through them as a family.
Learn a poem and memorize it - this one is as random as it sounds, but it's sure to pass time!
Call a relative you haven't spoken with recently.
Choose 5 friends you haven't spoken and catch up with them, ask how they're doing.
Learn new songs with family to wash your hands to - here are some great ones.
If you have a dog try teaching it a new trick!
If you're going to keep reading news - maybe you'll try a new fictional story: Here's a list from The NY Times.
Try some family karaoke - show off your skills and compete to win!
Try some yoga or mindfulness
Alphabetize your bookcase
Watch your favorite tv show - yes, this is the time for watching every season
Follow YFCA on social media (the links are at the top)
Start listening to a podcast
Create a calendar with everyone's birthdays - this way your definitely not to forget
Read about your horoscope
Take a nice shower
Try a puzzle that's been sitting on the shelf - if you're lucky, you'll have all the pieces
Do some meal prep
Keep it up (with a balloon) - the rules are simple: don't let the balloon touch the ground
Write poetry about how you're feeling
Play a board game - yes, this means the one that's still sealed in the box
Go through all of your unread emails
Plan out your next vacation - but make sure it's not too soon
Make a personal website - now you can show off the crafts you've done
Do online crossword puzzles - here are some daily ones!
Learn a new instrument
Redecorate your room (or house)
Organize your closet - maybe there are some things that you don't use anymore
Take a virtual tour of an art gallery
Take a virtual tour of a college
Memorize a song
Write a letter to your future self
Learn how to cook a family recipe - or teach your kids
Explore the YFCA website
Learn how to do card tricks
Make your own card tricks
Start a blog about your coronavirus self quarantine (or whatever you are doing to pass time)
Fix some stuff around the house - we all know there is something to be done!
Watch some of the highlights of your favorite sports games
Paint a picture - maybe it's a self-portrait or your next dream destination
Write a story for your kids and tell them all about your life
Clean your room - or have your kids clean theirs
Watch the sunrise or sunset or both!
Set a resolution for yourself when life is back to normal after this pandemic
Try creative writing - it can be about anything
Clean out your desk
Plan what you will wear/bring to YFCA's Spring Benefit